PART B : The WBAF Angel Investment Fund

An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) aims to ease access to finance for businesses from startup to scaleup to exit, with the ultimate goal of generating economic development, jobs and more social justice worldwide.

To achieve this goal, in addition to business angels and private equity funds investing in startups of the GFRS, WBAF launched an angel investment fund (the WBAF Angel Investment Fund), which is an international co-investment platform to invest in the startups and scaleups of the Global Fundraising Stage (the next one is GFRS 2021).

The WBAF Angel Investment Fund’s 2021 deal flow will be generated from the GFRS 2021. And it is anticipated that (a) the Fund will invest in 10 or more startups, depending upon the total amount of capital committed and that (b) no more than 10% of the Fund’s amount will be invested in any one company.

The GFRS 2021 package

Each startup or scaleup or high-growth business selected as one of the GFRS 2021 will pay a special GFRS booking fee. For each additional team member beyond two founders, an additional fee of €300 is applied.

Category A
Pitching to investors and Virtual Stand and 2 Congress Tickets
600 EUR

Category B 
Virtual Stand and 2 Congress Tickets
550 EUR


Category C
2 congress tickets only
500 EUR